Every Mother Is A Da’ee, By Ibn ‘Uthaymeen

A woman first and foremost needs to be righteous herself, so that she can be a good example for her daughters…

A woman should train her children properly, for her children represent the men and women of the future. In the earliest stages of their development, it is the mothers that human beings learn from. If she is a good mother, good in her manners and dealings and good in the way she brings up her children, then those children will take after her and contribute positively to the betterment of society.

Every mother, then, must dedicate herself to training her children, and if she cannot undertake their training on her own, then their father or another guardian – for example, a brother or uncle, if their father is dead – should help her to raise them.

A woman should not yield to difficult circumstances, feeling that she cannot change her situation or her family’s situation for the better.

[The Islaamic Awakening, by Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, Pp. 223 & 229]

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